
I am a Neuroscience Ph.D. student in the Laboratory on Social and Affective Neuroscience at Georgetown University working with Dr. Abigail Marsh. I earned a B.S. in Biology from The Pennsylvania State University and completed post-baccalaureate research training at the National Institute of Mental Health in the Section on Neurobiology of Fear and Anxiety.

I study the interaction between negative affect and social functioning using MRI brain imaging, psychophysiology, and behavioral modeling. I am interested in how the brain perceives and experiences emotion and aversive events ranging from monetary loss to acute pain. How can feelings of social support or loneliness alter these experiences? What are the consequences of disruption to emotion processes, for example, after a stroke?

When not doing research, you can probably find me at the park with my dog, Mr. Beau, or searching for the perfect slice of pizza.